
National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest – MicroDERLab Group
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MicroDERLab team at UPB has a strong research background in measurement and instrumentation for power systems, and it is actively involved in several European and national funded projects and network.
MicroDERLab is a Research Group at UPB, reuniting teams from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Control and the Faculty of Power Engineering.
It promotes a common research agenda on electrical engineering topics focusing measurements and instrumentation for a faster deploying of the intelligent networks of the future.
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Information Fusion of Multi-Vector Real-Time Data Streams for Energy Management in Emerging Power Grids

INFUSE project revolves around the development of a comprehensive data integration framework within a cross-platform software ecosystem, making use of the FIWARE open-source APIs and specific data formats capable of seamlessly integrating diverse data sources with varying reporting rates (including PMUs, smart meters and other contextual sensors).


Fiware Driven Energy COMmunities FOR the FUTURE

The objective of the project is to design and development of a physics-informed AI solution for optimized control of energy communities on a cross domain level, by including social, policy, legal and regulatory aspects, without neglecting the technical feasibility by considering the smart grid as well as cross-sector prosumers with EVs, heating and cooling and renewable generation.

The CARDEA project

The overall objective of CARDEA is to enable the Professionalisation of Research Management as a valued career choice within the European Research Area.

About us

Politehnica University of Bucharest is the largest (more than 30000 students) and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania. The academic layer is organised in 15 Faculties spanning electrical engineering, transport, mechanical engineering, computing science and chemical studies. UPB has the mission to bring together education, training and scientific research. It is acknowledged the main role of the university to produce knowledge through scientific research. MicroDERLab is a Research Group at UPB, reuniting teams from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Control and the Faculty of Power Engineering.  It promotes a common research agenda on electrical engineering topics focusing measurements and instrumentation for a faster deploying of the intelligent networks of the future. MicroDERLab has a strong research background in measurement and instrumentation for power systems, including technology for emerging Power Quality concepts in dynamic power system conditions, synchronized measurements for state estimation and WAMCS and is actively involved in several European and national projects and networks. The team contributed to the smart metering deployment strategy in Romania (as one of the partners developing the Smart Metering roadmap, within the former IEE Smart Regions project). Grace to an unique infrastructure (https://erris.gov.ro/microderlab), the team has been recognized for competences on grid integration of renewable energy sources; microgrids (including DC and hybrid architectures); modelling the power system components for steady-state and dynamic simulation and voltage and frequency control in power systems. UPB team is working on several projects fostering ICT solutions for power grid infrastructure to be deployed in the emerging grids, including applications for enhancing the energy domain within the Smart Cities approaches. An important objective on the R&D agenda is designing holistic solutions (microgrids for sustainable communities, metering with PQ feature) to be supported by visionary energy policies and regulatory framework. A strong asset of UPB is its long-term and fruitful collaboration with Romanian utilities, TSO, Romanian regulatory agency and nationwide (CNR-CME, IRE) or international (IEEE, CIGRE, CIRED, ETIP) professional associations in various projects targeting electrical energy and energy efficiency. In recognition of the highly developed infrastructure, MicroDERLab is a member of DERLAB network (since April 2013).


Measurement technology for emerging Power Quality concepts in dynamic power system conditions
Instrumentation for power systems; synchronized measurements
Grid integration of renewable energy sources; active distribution grids
State estimation and WAMCS
Microgrids (including DC and hybrid architectures)
Modeling the power system components for steady-state and dynamic simulation
Voltage and frequency control in power systems

MicroDERLab infrastructure

A mobile Synchronized Measurement laboratory composed of 6 mobile PMUs racks and a data-center
5 racks – 1133 Power Sentinel PMUs from Arbiter Systems and 1 rack – SEL 487E m-channel PMU
Communication modules enabling connections to the data-center in Bucharest via broadband 3G/4G modems.
The datacenter consists of 1 PDC and one server capable of running several applications for PMU
Several unbundled smart meters (with reporting rates up to 1 frame/minute)
1 microPMU (PSL) and PQube 3 (high reporting rates of up to 100 frames/s)
One 5 kVA Triphase rapid prototyping platform, that can be used for several types of experiments
A DC ring operational at 230V (and up to 600V)

Power Systems Model Emulator: for power substations, transmission lines, loads and power transformers

Substation measurements for educational purposes, for testing different equipment (PQ analyzers and PMUs).

Our Team